Friday, December 7, 2012

RA 10173: Saving Private Data?

Information Age

RA 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) did not draw much attention as compared to the sensational Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (RA 10175). If the two laws were likened to two women, we will have the Maria Clara – Maria Ozawa dichotomy. The former, conservative in nature, maintained its composure and was unscathed from criticisms and issues. The latter on the other hand, became sensational and drew flak from different sectors of both the real and the cyber world. (Please understand that this comment neither intended to belittle women as the weaker sex nor stereotyped them in rigid and superficial categories. The metaphor used was only to show how seemingly similar laws appear, even if they are at the opposite ends of the spectrum when we consider the public reaction.)

Clearly, the use and transfer of information have greatly evolved whence the time of Maria Clara. The information age has provided us with very powerful platforms to extract, process, and transfer information. One could muse that during Rizal’s time, the pen was mightier than the sword. However in the information age, the more powerful weapon is the click of the mouse. (Tablet users may argue that it’s the tap of a finger). With one click, we can download an entire collection of Rizal’s works, or, upload a comprehensive warfare tactics that may have been useful for the Katipuneros. However, these technological advances have also made us more vulnerable to threats and attacks. In our time and age, personal information used fraudulently and/or erroneously can cause detrimental effects to us. Last 2008, in the United States alone there were as many as 10 million cases of identity theft and many of which were purported with the misuse of private data. [1] Thus, the law was supposedly conceived to protect us from these ills.

The Law


The declaration of policy noted that the human right to privacy should be safeguarded and that personal information in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) systems in both the government and private sectors are protected and secured. [2] This declaration will tell us that the law recognizes the importance of our right to be let alone more so in these ever changing time and age. The Law will also ensure that we are protected from the threats of the misuse and abuse of personal and sensitive information.

Another purpose of the law is to increase the confidence of international investors particularly in the BPO industry by adhering to international standards of privacy protection. [3] Given the billions of dollars revenue generated from the BPO industry, compliance to international standards will surely ensure the competitiveness and attractiveness of the Philippines This could very well translate to more job opportunities for Filipinos.


Personal information is defined as “any information whether recorded in material form or not, from which the identity of an individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding the information or if put together with other information will certainly identify the person”. This will include facts and figures about a person’s race, ethnic origin, marital status, age, color, religion, political affiliations, health, and sexual life.[4]

The Law will cover “all types of personal information and to any natural and juridical person involved in personal information processing including those personal information controllers and processors who, although not found or established in the Philippines, use equipment that are located in the Philippines” with specific exclusions on the following:

-          Personal information originally collected from residents of foreign jurisdictions
-          Information on government personnel related to position and function.
-          Information covered in AMLA, SBA, CISA, FCDU and other pertinent banking laws.[5]

Notable Provisions

The law mandates collectors, holders and processors of personal and sensitive information to ensure strict compliance the conduct of their activities.  The information must also be stored only as long as it is needed or “for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, or for legitimate business purposes, or as provided by law.” Lack of consent from the data subject will not stop the processing should it be related to the fulfilment of a contract he has previously entered, to comply with legal obligation, in cases of life and health, and to serve the greater interests of the public.  In some cases where the information are found to be incomplete, outdated, false, and/or unlawfully obtained, the data subject can demand for its withdrawal, blocking or removal. Penalties from violations will be imprisonment of up to 7 years and the fines ranges from Php 500,000 to Php 2,000,000.00 [6]

National Privacy Commission (NPC)

The NPC is tasked with administering and implementing the provisions of the Law, recommending to the DOJ the prosecution and imposition of penalties, and helping facilitate cross-border enforcement of data privacy protection. It will be composed of three members; a Privacy Commissioner and two deputies. Also, the NPC will be attached to the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT). Should the creation of the DICT is not completed the time the law takes full force and effect, the Commission will attach itself to the Office of the President. The Commission will receive an initial appropriation of Php 20,000,000 and Php 10,000,000 per year for 5 years upon implementation. [7]

 My Take

The Good

The law will indeed spurt growth in the BPO industry. According to Business Processing Association of the Philippines (BPAP) President Benedict Hernandez, “Because the IT-BPO industry and best practice is evolving rapidly, enhancements to existing legislation will ensure that the Philippines remains competitive and in fact leads breakthrough initiatives in best practices for the industry.”[8] And, according to Alejandro Melchor III, deputy executive director for ICT industry development, “the new law will help the Philippines become a global leader for shared services, one of the fastest growing segments of the IT-BPO industry” [9]. Working in a call centre for two years made me realized that indeed the BPO industry employs a great number of Filipinos.  The BPO industry has also employed many of my family members and friends and given this fact, I am very much in favor of a law that will help the BPO industry sustain and maybe increase its current hiring state.

The law will also help protect a person’s data from abuse and misuse.  Without consent, companies and government institutions cannot transfer or process someone’s personal data.  I am personally aware that some companies use and transfer personal information of their clients for marketing and cross-selling metrics purposes.  This means that some companies allegedly use and share personal information like income, sex and preferences to sell products to clients via personal email and/or mobile numbers.  With the law in place, we will be better protected from this type of practice and we may receive fewer spam emails and text messages.

I am also in favor of a law that will replicate the care and transparency the banking institutions practice with the personal and sensitive information of their customers to other sectors, both in the government and private industries.  Married to a banker engaged in information risks, I am particularly aware of the different safeguards and due diligence banks do just to ensure that customer information are protected.  There are different levels of checking and counter checking done in the banks and some even create a standalone department just to ensure compliance.  This goes to show that when the law gains full throttle a similar practice will be expected in the other industries.

Another advantage of the law that I have seen is that it puts premium on the protection of our constitutional right to privacy.  Extraction, processing and the transfer of our personal data should be done with utmost care.  There is a reason why they coined the saying “we all have skeletons in our closets”. And it is that we value our personal information and we deserve for it to be handled well.  I believed that several scandals (Hayden Kho, Amalayer) may have been avoided if the general public knows that there will be repercussions if they disregard the value of privacy.

The Bad

Some journalists raised their concerns that the law might be restrictive to the principles of the media – freedom of expression, accountability and transparency. They said that the personal lives of government officials have bearing in their accountability to the citizenry.  Thus, there may be hindrances to journalists in proving the wrongdoings of certain politicians and officials in government. [10] I don’t think I agree with this type of thinking. There is a specific provision in the law which gives leeway to journalistic, artistic, literary or research purposes. Also, there are other ways to expose a corrupt official.  We have existing mechanisms in the local government level as well in the Office of the Ombudsman and Sandiganbayan to address this type of concern.  Also, I don’t think this can be an issue of freedom of expression.  I believe that for every ounce of freedom the journalists claim they have, is a corresponding ounce of responsibility and accountability in their actions. 

I am not particularly sold on the 1000 bulk limit in accessing and moving records.  There may be times when the 1000 bulk limit will not be applicable.  Databases may contain records of up to a million entries and if you have restriction on the limit then it would be hard for the processors to do their jobs.  Also, why would you need to set a bulk limit if in the following paragraph of the law it is indicated that the data will be protected using the most secure encryption available.  Following the armoured car analogy where the car used has thick armor and the guards inside have big guns, it wouldn’t make sense if the amount stored will be set at a very small limit.

There are some particular blogs which I have come across which mentioned that the penalties of the law are irrationally stiff.  They reason that a poor processor may end up paying a large sum or worse do time even if they did not mean to do the wrong deed.  I particularly do not agree with this. I believe that the intention of the law is to create awareness as well as create a system of due diligence when handling private data.  It is the responsibility of the companies/industries to train their staff to be particularly familiar with the provisions of the law.  Due diligence has been part of the banking industry ever since so I don’t think the other industries will have a hard time catching up. [11]

The Questions

As with other laws, the question may not be how beautifully they are crafted, but how effectively they are implemented.  As we are yet to see the IRR, I cannot help but speculate the following:

a)      What would be the different levels of penalties?  Will it be according to the sensitivity of the information, the bulk of information? Where do we draw the line between what’s sensitive and highly sensitive?
b)      How will the commission handle possible conflicts with other laws specifically those related to banking?
c)      What are the criteria for journalistic, artistic, literary or research purposes?  
d)   Will the government compensate or give particular incentives and perks to those following the law?
e)       Will the law entail additional costs to the government and the private sector?

The Verdict

Given the insights I have provided above, I am in favor of this law.  I see that it will be beneficial to the greater good as long as the implementation is handled carefully.  I also believe that the advantages of the law definitely outweigh its perceived disadvantages.  With that said, I shall wait for the formulation of the Implementing Rules and Regulations and revise/redraft my stance if necessary.